Social media stories for individual celebrity ambassadors created based on the Wear A Hat Day posters.

Two versions were created, one including a call to action and the celebrity name and a second including just the event date.

Some simple graphics created for a 10,000 steps a day in February challenge.

They put the amount of steps the supporter has taken into context to help them fundraising effectively.

A thank you graphic created to make sure all supporters know how much their hard work and fundraising means. key brand elements are used in a slightly different way to create a celebratory effect and to grab attention.

We have found real-life images resonate with the public. It is important to show many different people of all walks of life and abilities taking part.

You can still stick to a theme whilst varying the images to keep adverts looking new and to entice the viewer into reading further.

Typographic advert for a social media challenge – this particular graphic was picked up and used on a blog highlighting design work from charities who are "making waves"

These assets are created for use on Facebook to target individuals who may want to get involved with a fitness challenge, raising money for charity whilst doing so.

The purpose of these assets is to encourage those supporting the charity to encourage donations from friends, family and followers.

Simple messaging and a bold, eye-catching icon helps the viewer to rationalise a donation and how they can help.

Variation of brand colours is key to keep mass content looking fresh.

A branded, printable medal rather than a certificate to set us apart from the other challenges taking place.

Two examples of printed media

An idea for a Christmas campaign

Cute cartoon characters would catch the eye of adults and children alike, the use of the brand colours intentional to tie in the messaging.

Branded running vests

Branded cycling jerseys

Logos are an important part of the supporter journey. Some choose to set up a Fundraising Group and have the opportunity to have a logo created.

They are unique to the supporter but still contain elements and nods to the Brain Tumour Research brand.